Our day in Ayutthaya

This morning we got up, had a great little breakfast at our hotel (Promthong Mansion – highly recommended) and headed out on our bikes for a tour. First stop: Ayutthaya train station to see about exchanging our seats on the night train to be beds on the night train. The language barrier is a bit … Continue reading

Travel day: Bangkok to Ayutthaya

Ready…set…train! 30 Bhat = $1. Our tickets were 50 cents each. Like C mentioned in his post – we were stranded in north Bangkok for a bit… Tuk Tuks are mini trucks with motorcycle engines – you feel like you should absolutely be wearing a helmet. Your browser does not support the video tag Crab … Continue reading

Our day in Bangkok

What a weather change from Tokyo! We were in pants and parkas in the winter sun, and here we’re sweating in the shade. Cabs are super inexpensive – $4 across town – and provide a welcome air conditioned break. So did our massages this afternoon – also crazy cheap. The Grand Palace was beautifully ornate, … Continue reading

Sometimes jet lag rocks

We woke up at 4:30 this morning – neither of us heard our alarms at 4am, but no matter – and went to see the tuna auction at Tsujiki Fish Market. We didn’t bid on anything, but we ate the best sushi of our lives at 7am. So – win. Christian loved it, I swear. … Continue reading

Our day in Tokyo