We built a little chicken coop!

It’s only a temporary one until we build the bigger one this weekend with Alicia and Brian. The chicks quickly outgrew their little tub in the laundry room, and they’ve got decent feathers already. At only 5 weeks old! So we moved them outside so they can get some fresh air and slugs. They still … Continue reading

What’s for lunch, Josie?

Josie knows what she wants…

Look what we got!

Chicks! Four each of Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons and Welsummers!

Chicken Coop Demolition

There was a coop in our back yard when we moved in. The previous owners had chickens in it, but we felt that the structure was old, decrepit, and too big for our purposes. We want something easy to clean, with easy access to the laying boxes to get the eggs each morning. So we’re … Continue reading

Our home renovation…so far

We’ve started working on our home! Well, a little bit of us and a lot bit of our contractor and his team. It’s a huge amount of demolition, but it only took them two days. We had to transplant some of the little flowers in the front beds quickly before the bulldozer showed up. I … Continue reading

Our long Brooklyn weekend.

Fresh off a week sailing in the British Virgin Islands (I know!), C and I are spending a few days in NYC catching up with great friends, favorite restaurants, old haunts and the stupid MTA. Do not get C started – seriously. We got a few inches of snow, a few buckets of ‘wintry mix’ and plenty of puddles. We miss some things more than others…








Chilly morning

We spent a great weekend babysitting Josie, and are now going down to Mountain Lodge Farm for an event. We barely had time to put our bags down at home, but I wanted to take a moment to capture a little of the frigid magic happening in our front yard. I love our new home.

Happy New Year News that’s Happy!

  Our new house!!! We bought a house! We moved into our 1902 farmhouse in early Dec, then spent 2 weeks in Omaha with family. We’re back now, deciding what project to do first. Here are some photos from the past couple months. Happy New Year!!!   Adorable decoration at Liz’s house       … Continue reading

Whatchu doin’?

Gentleman Farmer

He wipes the Gator seat of rain before letting his lady sit. Nice and dry.