Bad bloggers

Oh dear. We’ve neglected our duties as raconteurs of our lives in the Pacific Northwest. So…updates: – I have water logged and ruined two iPhones in the last month. C says I either get a hardcore case or I’m back to a flip phone. – In Oct we went to West Lafayette, IN to watch … Continue reading

Family visit!

Guess who came to visit! We had such an awesome long weekend with Nathan, Lizzie, Kendra, Mitch and Liz. Thursday was the nicest weather day, and everyone’s first day in town, so we decided to do the outside stuff immediately. We spent a few hours exploring Northwest Trek – a wildlife park not far from … Continue reading

Week’s end weekend

Our two days off lately have been Thursday and Friday, so we take our weekend early. Alicia had Thursday off, too, so we all went wine tasting. We had some good wines, bad wines, and great wines. We ate pizza in the sun. We became members of Patterson Cellars. We bought vodka made by a … Continue reading

Still at it!

I can’t believe it’s August. We’ve been so busy being busy, the blog’s taken a back seat. But let’s get back to it. My parents have been in town since early August. They came in time for Josie’s 3rd (!) birthday, and will stay through to our first anniversary. We’ve seen them a few times … Continue reading

Ted and Shannon’s wedding


C just brought me a flower after work saying, “I picked this for you.” So sweet, I reached for it and he added, “eat it.” It’s a nasturtium, so perfectly edible, but a surprising gesture nonetheless. He knows I like flowers and eating, so maybe this is the perfect treat for me. Maybe next time … Continue reading