Farmer Chris

Our week

Phew! A week’s gone by in a flash. A flash of milking, cleaning, bottles, hay, poop and cheese. Not to mention the farming! Ba da bum 🙂 We had our first days off since we got here on Monday and Tuesday. Monday was gorgeous, so we drove out to Mount Rainier. The mountain was out … Continue reading

Cocktail time

Tonight’s aperitif: raw La Mancha goat’s milk. Some nights, we get a little of the milk that’s left over from the previous milking – if it’s too little to start a whole new bucket. We used to drink a glass of milk with meals as a kid, and I do like the flavor. I always … Continue reading

Farm hands

We’re starting to get the hang of things…and the callouses to prove it. We sprayed the barn for flies on Thursday (a ‘green’ solution of herbs and plants done by our exterminator) so we had to move all the goats out into the side pens. Which meant we had to build fenced in areas by … Continue reading

Field work

We spent four hours out in the pasture today, moving sheep from one field to another to graze on fresh grass. About once a month, their nails need to be clipped, and it was also time for castration, so we did it all in one trip. We had a hard time getting them into the … Continue reading

Milking Day!

We milked our first goats! (When I said that to the owner, she said, “in life?” I thought that was funny of both of us.) There is much more process than you would think – grain in the little trays, select 6 hyper goats out of a pen of 20, secure them on the milking … Continue reading

The first 24…

We arrived on the farm yesterday at noon. Well – we arrived at the front gate at noon. We didn’t remember the code from our Dec visit, so we walked up to the farm. C said that after driving over 6500 miles to get here, it was nice to do the last mile on foot. … Continue reading

Seattle was so fun!

We had an awesome time in Seattle. Thank you to Alicia and Brian for the hospitality. And the washer/dryer. Josie has really grown since we saw her at Christmas. She’s so chatty! We went to Gas Works Park, Fremont Brewing Co, Chuck’s Hop Stop and Top Pot! We ‘helped’ Brian with his brewing – we’ll … Continue reading

Welcome to Washington!

Almost there!

Tugboat Brewing Co.

The smallest brewery in Portland. They cheer when you walk in, and boo when you walk out. We might never leave…
