Travel day: Bangkok to Ayutthaya

Ready…set…train! 30 Bhat = $1. Our tickets were 50 cents each. Like C mentioned in his post – we were stranded in north Bangkok for a bit… Tuk Tuks are mini trucks with motorcycle engines – you feel like you should absolutely be wearing a helmet. Your browser does not support the video tag Crab … Continue reading

The little engine that could not

There’s something romantic about hooking up with an good ol’ diesel locomotive. Except for this particular little engine unhitched and snuck off just three stops toward Ayutthaya stranding us with no locomotive in north Bangkok. We could have Tuk Tuk’d that far. Plus we didn’t even get lunch out of the deal – some engines are just weak.

Luckily after a couple hours and as many beers, rescue came in the arrival of a proper powerplant. This engine treated us right while pulling us through to the ancient city.

Our day in Bangkok

What a weather change from Tokyo! We were in pants and parkas in the winter sun, and here we’re sweating in the shade. Cabs are super inexpensive – $4 across town – and provide a welcome air conditioned break. So did our massages this afternoon – also crazy cheap. The Grand Palace was beautifully ornate, … Continue reading